December 29th, 2024

Readings: Selected by Rev. Diana Scholl

Psalm 148   (Psalms Anew)

Cosmic Hymn of Praise

1  Praise God from the heavens;

praise God from the heights;

2  praise God all you angels,

praise God, all you heavenly hosts.

3 Praise God sun and moon;

praise God all you shining stars.

4  Praise God, you highest heavens,

and you waters above the heavens.

5  Let them praise the name of God,

who commanded and they were created.

6  God established them forever and ever

and gave a decree that shall not pass away.

7 Praise God all the earth,

you sea monsters and all depths,

8  fire and hail, snow and mist, 

storm winds that fulfill God’s word.

9  You mountains and all you hills,

you fruit trees and all you cedars,

10  you wild beasts and all tame animals,

you creeping things and flying birds.

11  Let the rulers of the earth and all peoples

and all the judges of the earth—

12  young men too, and maidens, 

old women and men—

13  praise the name of God

whose name alone is exalted;

whose majesty is above earth and heaven,

and who has raised the fortunes of the people.

14  Be this God praised by all the faithful ones,

by the children of Israel, the people close to God.


Colossians 3:12-16 (First Nations Version)

New Regalia for New Life/Dance Your Prayers

The Great Spirit has chosen you to be his holy and deeply loved children, so put on the new regalia he has provided for you.  Put on deep feeling for the pain of others, kindness, humbleness of heart, gentleness of heart, and be patient with one another.  If there are any complaints against each other, then carry that burden basket and learn to forgive.  For we must forgive others in the same manner that our Honored Chief has freely forgiven us.  

When all this new regalia is in place, let the love of the Great Spirit gather all the loose threads and braid them together in unity with one another.  Let the Chosen One guide you on the path of peace and harmony, and then as his one body this peace will be the guiding light in your hearts as you give thanks to the Great Spirit.

Let the message of the Chosen One become a deep watering hole inside you.  It will then become a refreshing spring as you teach and guide one another with wisdom and understanding.  You will sing traditional prayers, sacred chants, and spiritual songs as you dance your prayers before the Great Spirit with glad and thankful hearts.  

Hillsdale Community Church